Life is a celebration, isn’t it? A celebration of moving one step ahead in life, one step into puberty, one step into marriage, one step into motherhood, the celebration of your tiny version’s first birthday, and many more.
We understand the excitement, nervousness, and happiness of experiencing the first period which is an important phase in a woman’s life. The woman embraces the goddess in her and holds a deeper connection with her inner self which is why this is celebrated as a ceremony in India called Ritushudhi or simply a half saree ceremony in the South and the name varies from region to region. Even we celebrate the menstruation of mother Earth annually in Assam at Kamakhya Temple. It is also referred to as coming of age and is celebrated by offering gifts, especially half saree, to the girl. Being away from your motherland, arrange the ceremony just like how your grandmother would have done. We have everything you need and above all, it is a moment of happiness for all of us.
It is her important day as a teenager and a beautiful period of rediscovery of her body and mind. As Indian women, we all must have experienced this ceremony in slight variations in different parts of the country.
A ceremony that lasts from 7 to 9 days where relatives and friends visit you with gifts and shower blessings upon you! The special ritual in the morning where the elder women in the house stand around you to apply turmeric and nalpamaram and give you a special royal bath in warm water, making you feel like the VIP of the moment! All the limelight is on you and you glow. Wearing new clothes and ornaments, feeling shy but royal like a princess here comes your next task of having raw egg mixed in sesame oil. Once that is done, a food item called maavu which is a combination of rice flour, jaggery, and other ingredients is given! You can eat and just rest in one place receiving all love, care, and gifts. It is your celebration, a celebration of stepping into womanhood.
To celebrate the ceremony in the purest form of its tradition, we are here. Collaborate with us to create and capture the precious moments of your life.